/BCO-DMO/Biopolymers_for_radionuclides/log_kd ---- Level 0

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#  Partition coefficient of 234Th, 233Pa, 210Pb, 210Po, and 7Be
#  PI: Peter H. Santschi
#  Version: 2019-04-10
Particle_type  Be    Be_sd  Pa    Pa_sd  Th    Th_sd  Po    Po_sd  Pb    Pb_sd  
SiO2           4.93  0.11   5.41  0.05   4.78  0.17   4.49  0.02   4.51  0.03   
Frustule       5.09  0.1    5.23  0.16   5.37  0.07   4.47  0.11   4.44  0.13   
Cell_Si+       7.14  0.06   6.43  0.12   6.59  0.04   4.92  0.09   5.27  0.08   
Cell_Si-       7.23  0.01   6.71  0      6.69  0.01   4.83  0.01   5.86  0.03